Saturday, 19 June 2010

Fathers Day

Snaffles Mummy has inspired me to write a tribute to my father for fathers day.

My parents separated when I was 14 years old, much to my devastation.  They had a turbulent and violent marriage that quite honestly made memories of my childhood into nightmares. I remember waking many a Christmas eve to parents screaming and arguing and then not speaking to each other on Christmas day.  Christmas to me as a child symbolised drink fuelled arguments and misery.  So after 24 years of marriage they made their final separation when I was 14 after yet another of my mother's affairs with another man.  My parents had separated a number of times whilst I was a child I knew that one day they would do so for the final time.  I always assumed that when it happened my mother and I (my sisters are 6 and 7 years older than me) would stick together.  In fact when it finally happened my Dad was devastated and being an opinionated teenager with strong morals I decided that I was not prepared to leave my distraught father on his own to go and live with my Mum and her new boyfriend.  I now know that this was the best decision I ever made.

Looking after a teenage girl is difficult for anybody and up until my Mum left my Dad had never exactly been "hands on" when it came to childcare!  That being said he rose to the challenge.

My Dad has always been honest with me, given me advice whether I thought I needed it or not, guided me when I needed it but gave me the freedom to grow.  He did not always deal with things in the most conventional way (punching my first boyfriend in the face in front of me because he was 12 years older than me - I was 14 - do the maths!!! - taught me a valuable lesson) but he always had my best interests at heart.  He left me a note when I went into do my first GCSE exam, which I still have to this day, it said "To do your best and fail would still be to do your best and I will am proud of you whatever the result" (ok so I have improved the spelling!).  Then being the first person in my family to go to University he supported me throughout and prevented me from quitting when I had already made my mind up to do so.  I am now a qualified solicitor and owe the thanks for that to him.

My Dad gave me the greatest gift any  father could ever give a child - he believed in me.  Dad - you're the best!
