So it is soon to be Valentines Day, the day to declare your love to the subject of your desires.
Well not for me! I have instructed my husband not to waste any money on Valentines Day this year. So am I total miser - you decide! I just feel that Valentines Day is commercial clap trap designed by card company's to make a killing. If you want to buy flowers they are twice the price or if you want to go for a meal (if you can even get a table) everywhere is packed out with an expensive Valentines menu on offer. It is not that I have no romance but I would far rather my husband sent me a card to tell me he loves me just because the urge takes him, not because society tells him he should. If a bunch of flowers happen to land on my desk for no reason other than to remind me how much he loves me that feels so much more genuine.
So what are your thoughts - is my romance dead or am I right to take a stand against commercialised love?