Monday, 15 February 2010

Wonder Woman

I do not blog very often and one of the reasons for this is simply a lack of time and too many hobbies! I have however realised that I know a real life Wonder Woman and she goes by the blog name "Snaffles Mummy".

Snaffles Mummy is so talented and finds the time to do so many things, here are just a few examples:

1. Her blogs are second to none. They are funny, informative and sometimes emotional. I love sitting down and reading her tales - usually about 5 at a time because I have not had time!

2. She makes the best cakes. She makes cakes for family and friends and they are of a professional standard in both looks and taste. Mine however, on the rare occasion I get round to making them are inferior in both taste and looks!!

3. She is a Mummy and spends quality time with her son every single week. She is not a Mum who just carries on with mundane life dragging her son in tow. She enjoys being a Mummy and loves nothing more than spending time with her little boy. Every week, on her days off, she has some activity or other planned with him.

4. She works three days a week and travels about 40 miles each way to get there, yet never complains about the journey or long day and still seems to have more quality time at home than me!

5. This list could be endless but unfortunately being Little Miss "I haven't got time" I will have to end it on this final note. She is the kind of friend that some people can only dream of having. She is always there no matter what and makes the biggest effort for all of her friends and I am so proud to be one of them. I never feel I have enough time for friends and am always spread so thinly. Snaffles Mummy however is all things to all people - wife, mother, lawyer, author, baker friend... whatever your need she is always there to provide the service. She really is a real life Wonder Woman.

I am slightly jealous of her amazing talents... only a little, but thank goodness I am the recipient of such amazing skills. Keep up the good work xxx

1 comment:

  1. Awwww thanks, were you aiming to make me cry?

    It really doesnt feel like I do as good as job as it sounds. Your timing is perfect, just at the point that I regularly get to where I doubt what I am doing.

    You have even less free time than I do but yet seem to do so much in what little time you have spare.

    We are definately Princesses of Equal Power x
