Saturday 2 January 2010

My Best Bits

SnafflesMummy has inspired me to write my “best bits” from 2009. It was a tough year, not least of all because I spent more than half of it with my teenage nieces living with me. This caused a lot of stress and the amount of thanks I got was zero, important lesson learnt. I can reflect on the things that made the last year difficult though and learn from them but more importantly think about the things that have made me the most happy during 2009. So in the style of Davina, here are my “Best Bits”...

1. Got Darwin

Darwin is my gorgeous tri-coloured Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. I have a Blenheim coloured Cavalier called Maisie who was 2 years old in June and this year we decided to get her a friend. Darwin was born on 8th August 2009 and although he is cheeky and much naughtier than Maisie ever was I love him to bits!

2. My 30th Birthday

I celebrated my birthday this year by going away to the peak district with some special friends including SnafflesMummy and Oooodles of Noodles. We have an amazing giggle and I loved it. That was a highlight.

3. London with Oooodles of Noodles

Oooodles of Noodles is my best friend in the whole world. We have been through good times and bad together and I can always rely on her to give me honest advice whenever I need it (including numerous occasions of being told to “have a word with myself”). Every year me and Oooodles go to London together for a girlie weekend and this year was no exception. We always have an amazing time and I never want to miss one of annual trips – keep them coming Oooodles....

4. Cornwall

As my blogs progress anybody who reads them will figure that I love traveling (and those who know me have already figured it!), mainly abroad but also in this country. One of my favourite places to be in the whole world is Cornwall and (again) I go every year (I am starting to sound like one of those boring people that go to the same places all the time – I am not honest!!!). This year I stayed in a cottage within walking distance to a cute little beach in Gorran Haven, with my Husband and Maisie (who loved it). I have no mobile telephone signal and loved every minute of it.

5. Halloween Party

For the second time in 3 years we had a Halloween party last year. We hired to local village hall and invited about 60 of our friends and family. We had a local band playing and fancy dress was compulsory. As I said this is the second time we have done this but I am always astonished at the effort people put into their outfits. I had a ball!

6. New York

In September I went to New York for 5 days with my husband. This was our first time in America and having done all the sights (in order with my meticulous planning and arrangements of “Post-It” notes in guide books) we were exhausted. We both indulged in shopping – me purchasing far too much (including compulsory shoes and handbag), eating and lots of laughing – loved it! Must go back (when I can afford it!).

7. Reinforced old and created new friendships

I am a very busy person (as I may have mentioned)and therefore I spend very little time with anybody who is not a true friend (and not enough with those who are). Oooodles of Noodles and SnafflesMummy are two of the best friends a girl could have. They are always therefore me and make me feel lucky every day for having the best friends. This year however my highlight in my “friendships” category has been becoming closer to Lemadee. I have worked with Lemadee for around 6 years and we have always got on. Lemadee however is very close friends with SnafflesMummy and through her we have become closer. This year she has been an amazing friend to me. We share tastes in music, books and films among many other things and I have been lucky enough to be involved in one of the most important things in her life this year – congratulations babe – can't wait to meet your little nudger x

So my New Years resolution for 2010 – be there for my friends and stop wasting precious time on those who don't deserve it! x


  1. lovely start to the blog, check you mastering the links on your second post!

    I like how most of your best bits have involved the consumption of food and alcohol!

  2. Thats a lovely blog - and yes we definitely need to organise London 2010!!!
